This week we celebrate color!

I would consider myself someone who celebrates color in its most minimal state. I prefer muted washes with little slight variations in tone.

Boring, right?

If you were to visit my closet you would find that it matches the rest of my home- washes of gray, white, black and brown with bright bursts of color found in extreme moderation. However, if you are able to look past the obvious monotone scheme, you will discover that, in fact, there is much excitement and color to be found in even the most muted of palettes.

Tell me, are your whites cream or peach?

Are your browns yellow or green?

Are your greys steel or blue?

I think if we all look hard enough, we will find color exists in even the most colorless worlds!

“In my world, everyone’s a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies.”

 –Dr. Seuss