Today I am back in NYC for the first time in WAY too long.  The last time I was here was for some of my closest friends wedding.

Here are some pictures from that weekend.

Photobombing their photo!  Didn’t this turn out GREAT !?!

wedding photobomb


And this is when we were riding on a double-decker bus from the church to the reception…. just a little trip through Time square!

time square



I am so happy to be back in the city with these two!

I love everything about this city and love the inspiration that I get while I am here!  I am going to take this week to take in all of the creative genius around me.

Here is a video I found a few years ago that I watch from time to time.  A filmmaker compiled video clips that he took throughout the year in NYC and made an amazing great video.


Mandi Heilig - Dry Ink Designs