by Mandi | creative tips
I have always wondered which pumpkins are for cooking and which are for carving. Well, this past weekend my mom and I took a trip up to the mountains and my questions were all answered at the local farmers market in Asheville, NC.

I always search for that perfect orange pumpkin, the one that I can see with a face cut right into it! I usually buy two, one to carve and one to cook. I never could seem to cook it just right. My pumpkin “meat” was really stringy and often times I had to throw it out, so sad. This past weekend at the Asheville Farmers Market and a woman working one of the booths told me “The bright orange ones are for carvin’, the only thing you want to eat out of those are the seeds.” (Toasted Pumpkin Seed Recipe).

Then she walked us over to another group of pumpkins. There were all kinds. The picture below is where she had all of them sitting around together. She said that the ones that are green, blue or random in size are better for cooking. You will get much better quality pumpkin out of these for your pies and other deserts! I just loved the bubble ones in the top right hand corner of the picture – how unique!

Then of course there were some that they suggest to only use for decoration! These are tiny little pumpkins and gourds. They reminded me of the last post I did when I painted mine pink for breast cancer!

I think me and the Mister are going to carve my pumpkin tonight or tomorrow… I love that moment when you light it up for the first time!
Are you carving and cooking pumpkins this month? What are your favorite pumpkin faces and recipes?

by jenn_davis | personal
I recently came across an article about Halloween safety for parents and children. If interested, you can read more here. If you don’t have time to open this link of enlightenment, allow me to briefly summarize;
If your kid has a toy weapon, make sure it is a cloth version. Also, check your candy for metal.
I’m sorry, I know this is perhaps useful information for some but I can’t help but think back to when I was a kid. We carried around real BB guns and carved our own weapons from a tree branch with a pocket knife. Also, we got our candy from our grandparents and aunts and uncles, so unless one of them had it out for us, we were always relatively safe.
I guess times have changed. I no longer live in the small town I grew up in and have only managed to introduce myself to a handful of our neighbors. A small part of me finds comfort in this. I could technically be anyone I want and they wouldn’t have a clue.
Can I answer the door in a bath robe and mud mask as I hand out bags of un-popped popcorn to confused children? The answer to this is yes, I most certainly can.
Can I sit on my entry way floor as I wait for trick or treaters to knock so I can slowly crack the door open and sprinkle Reeses Pieces at their feet with an ET hand? Again….yes, I can.
And if I decide I’ve had far too rough of a day, I can always just tilt my glass eye slightly out of socket.

What are you looking at?

“You don’t stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.”
-Michael Pritchard
by heather | fun finds
You might remember that I love making music mixes from my 50 Awesome Workout Songs playlist. Well, here we go again. 20 Spooky Tunes – perfect for a Halloween party! There is quite a mix here, so you sure won’t be bored. Warning: Some of these music videos are scary!
Disturbia – Rhianna
Thriller – Michael Jackson
Ghostbusters – Ray Parker, Jr.
Bad Moon Rising – Creedence Clearwater Revival
A Nightmare On My Street – DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
Every Day Is Halloween – Ministry
Monster Mash – Bobby “Boris” Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers
Welcome To My Nightmare – Alice Cooper
Time Warp – The Rocky Horror Show Original Cast
Voodoo – Godsmack
Somebody’s Watching Me – Rockwell
Bark At The Moon – Ozzy Osbourne
Pet Semetary – Ramones
I Put A Spell On You – Screamin’ Jay Hawkins
The Devil Went Down To Georgia – Primus
This is Halloween – Marilyn Manson
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) – David Bowie
Witchy Woman – Eagles
Dragula – Rob Zombie
Enter Sandman – Metallica

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