by steph_egan | fun finds, personal
Growing up, I had an Aunt who worked for the publisher Houghton Mifflin… and as a perk of that job, I was continuously gifted with books (usually signed by the authors!) for all kinds of occasions and then often for no occasion at all. It was always SO exciting to get a new one, usually just hitting the store shelves as it hit the ones in my bedroom.
My childhood book collection was extensive, and when my parents came to visit this Summer they brought along a couple of boxes of some favorites they had kept over the years for us to fill the nursery with. I opened up the boxes a few weeks ago and started looking them over… along with Make Way for Ducklings, Sheep in a Jeep and The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, there were also a mixture of Christmas books. (I’m so excited that our baby already has a library full of the classics!)
As I’ve gotten older and friends have started having kids, my favorite go-to gift to give is books. A child can never have too many books (too many toys, yes) but never too many books. At least, in my opinion! So in the spirit of the giving season, and for those in doubt of what to give the little ones on your list… skip over the Barbie or Hot Wheels and contribute to their library instead.
Some of my favorite, classic Christmas books:

And give a gift to yourself as well by entering our December giveaway – you could probably have guessed that it involves BOOKS! – hopefully you’ll find some inspiration from each of them as you start the new year.

by Mandi | creative tips
By now I am sure most of you have heard about instagram. It is a quick, easy way to take photos and edit them quickly before you share them for your friends to see.
Now that you have taken all of these photos, what do you do with them? How can you capture your adventures of 2012?
Below are a few ideas for the DIY types as well as those that would rather let the others do the work!
This calendar is by the girls at A Beautiful Mess. You can read the complete tutorial here!

These coasters are made by 2 Broke Cooks. You can read the complete tutorial here.

And now for those of you would would rather not do the work!
StickyGram is a personalised printing service that turns your Instagram images into lovely little magnets. You create your pack online and they deliver them to your door.
Each StickyGram is 50mm x 50mm. That’s approximately the same size as they appear on your iPhone. They come in packs of 9.

You can order canvases online from your instagram photos through canvaspop. They have an inspiration page full of great ideas!

If you are not the DIY type, you can just order your them online from Coastermatic. A set of 4 for $25 – not too bad.

Here is a link of another blog post of where to print your instagrams. Great ideas!
Do you have any other ideas? How are you using your instagram photos?
Also – Sunny Slide Up is having another giveaway for December! Go over to Facebook today and enter so you can win 4 amazing books!

by jenn_davis | personal
If the Maya Calendar was right, this will be my last post. Depending on your opinions of me, that could be either a day for celebration or mourning……please tell me you’re mourning. 🙂
I contemplated going out with a bang and really writing something that would ruffle some feathers but then decided that since I personally believe we will still be here December 22, I should probably make some attempt of keeping my (dignity?).
Here’s the thing, and I am going to be completely honest, I have no desire to share my Christmas wish list or last minute stocking-stuffer ideas with you today. That’s what I had planned, but in light of recent events I almost feel like it’s inappropriate for me to pretend like such trivial things matter right now. They don’t. You know it as well as I.
What does matter, however, are those people around us that we love so much; our families, friends, pets, etc. (I really don’t know who would fall under the etc. category, but just making sure all my bases are covered). I know I don’t get personal as much on Sunny Slide Up as I do on my personal blog, but today I couldn’t find it in me to hit publish on a post about something that’s just not in my heart. So, basically I am not writing about anything other than me just being real.
This is me…..lame as it may be……telling you that I’m not ok yet. I’m sad, confused, and broken-hearted and I feel I would be lying if I pretended otherwise.
The beautiful thing about this blog is that people can come here and expect to be lifted up and encouraged and I hope you understand that sometimes by sharing our sadness, we can in turn encourage and uplift one another. Maybe being able to find the good in something means first being able to face the bad.

Love you all,