by jenn_davis | creative tips
Is it just me or is there something about January that makes you want to purge items from your life? I have been cleaning out every closet in my home and (attempting) to rid myself of the clutter that accumulates every year.
The same goes for dieting as well. I often find that January is a good time for cleansing the mind and body….a definitive day for a fresh start!
Here are a few things that have inspired me to jump start healthy eating, breathing, and living!

1. Luna’s Living Kitchen is now offering 3, 5, and 7 day juice cleanses! 2. If you are local to Charlotte, join my friend Emily at Charlotte Family Yoga this Saturday and Learn to Float! source. 3. Gentle detox program and kit 4. For a natural grease cutting disinfectant, try soaking your used lemon and lime rinds in vinegar! source 5. Coconut Oil is my new best friend! I have been using it on my face and body every night and will soak the container in warm water and then rub oil through my hair a few hours before shampooing. It’s an incredible, natural moisturizer! source 6. Dr. Bronner has some amazing natural cleaning and body care alternatives.
Stay Well!

by heather | creative tips, diy, personal
January is a time for new beginnings, so why not celebrate a first birthday here on Sunny Slide Up!
A cute little friend of mine, celebrated her first birthday this past weekend and the party decor was just too cute not to share. One-derland – an Alice In Wonderland themed party. Complete with “drink me” mini champagne bottles and water bottles, “eat me” signs for the food table, “take me” tags for the party favor bags, red rose cupcakes (in ice cream cones!) and the cutest little smash cake you have ever seen – a Cheshire cat!
I had designed the invitations about a month ago – click here to see!

We found the “drink me” and “eat me” tags to print here. Then I re-created the look for the “take me” tags and water bottle labels.
Here is the birthday girl enjoying her first birthday cake!

Happy 1st Birthday Stella!

by steph_egan | creative tips, personal
Ahh, New Year resolutions!
They always seem to sound the same: lose weight, get healthier, drink more water (and less of the bad stuff)… spend time with family and friends and less with social media. The list goes on. And by March-ish, all is quickly forgotten.
So maybe instead of the typical resolutions, you give 101 in 1001 in a try!

It’s simple: 101 goals to be completed in 1001 days.
I tried this exercise a couple of years ago (and just recently came across my old list!)… it was inspiring to see how much I was able to cross off, and how some of the things I listed pushed me out of my comfort zone — I made sure to add things that would help me grow, and other goals that I considered ‘scary’.
I physically wrote mine out on a few pieces of paper, and crossed things off over time. Feel free to do whatever works best for you!
What would you put on your list? You can always start with the typical New Year goals & resolutions and then expand from there.
I think it’s about time I start another one:
#1 – have a baby
I’ll work on the rest and share as the months continue!