our orchard
Our Orchard from The Film Artist on Vimeo.
― Pablo Neruda
Our Orchard from The Film Artist on Vimeo.
It seems almost irresponsible to post anything other than something directly related to what happened in Boston yesterday, doesn’t it? I set my scheduled post aside for one of respect and tribute, if you will.
I came across this article last night while watching CNN, 26 Moments That Restored Our Faith in Humanity, and was reminded of the beauty in ashes.
The idea that bravery and love can cross such boundaries as politics, religion, race and sexual orientation…..and do so without so much as second guessing oneself…..this represents the most basic (and beautiful) form of humanity.
Without getting too philosophical or religious, I would like to challenge you (our readers) to take time this week and seize an opportunity to display an act of unselfish kindness. I think if we manage to open our eyes we will see those in need all around us, wouldn’t you agree?
This life is so much more than price tags, labels, bank accounts and status symbols. In the blink of an eye it could all be gone and we could be left relying on the same unselfish kindness of others to get us through.
Feel free to share this icon through social media. Pay it forward.
It’s time for another giveaway!
And this one is a perfect spring fit….a custom built birdhouse from Shawn Hobbs Designs!
Shawn builds custom birdhouses…amazing works of art for our furry feathered friends. He uses a mixed media sculpture approach with almost 100% recycled materials from estate and yard sales, thrift shops and flea markets. He believes the journey of finding the materials is just as fun as building and creating the expression. And the best part…..no two are alike!
(Custom Birdhouse – $95.00 value)This bird house (10×14) is made from 100% recycled material and exterior grade. The body is reclaimed shelving boards and the front plate is a recycled trophy achievement plaque with a 70’s wall art votive holder painted black. The bird was a lampshade topper and the gold accents are feathers on a votive holder. This wall mount style will easily bring the birds closer to your home garage or shed. Great for beside a front door, under a porch, on a chimney or side of a garage. Birds like wrens, chickadees, sparrows, finches that already love front door wreaths, hanging baskets and ferns will be glad to call this easy mount wall birdhouse home.