by heather | diy, fun finds
I stumbled across this article titled “Meet the ‘Martha Stewart’ of tech” this past weekend and I was intrigued…enough so, that I went to check out the website – Brit + Co.
JACKPOT! This is a Pinterest lovers wonderland. I for one have two Pinterest accounts….my personal and one for my business. Plus, we have the Sunny Slide Up Pinterest account. So, I guess that is really three…..and between those you can imagine all of the creative collections of images, ideas and projects!

Brit is a lifestyle brand that seeks to curate and create innovative new ways for busy, but inspired people to live more simply, beautifully and creatively. The goal is to show people how to add order to the chaos of their daily lives in a fun, easy and elegant way. Brit + Co. is the leading community for creative living, making, and doing in the digital age.
Topics on the site include… DYI – Style – Recipes – Tech – Health – Events
You can even watch episodes on a variety of topics.
And there is even a FREE app!

They even sell “Brit Kits”….and I love their description for these:
We’ve all been there: we see it, we pin it, we forget about it. The popularity of do-it-yourself projects may be growing online, but how many of them are we actually “doing” offline? If you’re like most people I know, the answer is: very few, if any. Why is this? From what I’ve heard from you, the top two reasons are because you don’t have the time or materials… and you certainly don’t have the time to go shopping for materials.
That’s why I’m thrilled to announce the launch of Brit Kits, popular do-it-yourself projects in a box, delivered monthly to your doorstep.
I’m guilty of filling up Pinterest boards with TONS of great ideas….that I will “do later, when I have time”. Well, maybe. But it is hard to find extra time these days running my own business! So, I love this idea of a box of goodies showing up each month with creative projects to inspire me. Great idea Brit + Co!

Fun stuff, right? Go check out for yourself and enjoy!

by Mandi | style
Good morning and let me just say… happy birthday to me!!!
I will admit it.. I am one of those girls that LOVES my birthday! I love spending time with family and friends and I love doing something special, even if it is a nice dinner and a cake. I will be honest and say that those people that say – “eh, I don’t care to do anything for my birthday” have to by lying right?. Don’t you think they are DYING for someone to jump out and surprise them with a party!
This weekend we are heading out of town to North Myrtle Beach. I plan to go to Fat Harold’s and do a little shag dancing, maybe get some amazing seafood, go to the Kate Spade outlet hopefully take in some UVs! ah, relaxation!
The Mister and my mom have been asking me what I want for my birthday. This year I know exactly what I need…. RAIN SHOES – or BOOTS!
A few weekends ago The Mister, my family, some friends and his family went to Merle Fest. I LOVE this festival – bluegrass, blues and folk music all outside and tucked in the NC mountains. Every year so far has been perfect…. But this year… it rained. That constant, annoying rain.
This is a snapshot of our Saturday:

I had on tennis shoes, sneakers, tenny’s… Basically it was awful. My shoes, socks, jeans and feet were SOAKED – next time I will be prepared with my rain boots , or rain shoes (I’m still deciding).

1. Chooka Yellow Shoes 2. Ugg Rain shoes 3. Hunter rain shoes 4. crocs jellies 5. hunter rain shoes 6. dav rain shoes

1. Teal Chooka Boots 2. cowboy rain boot 3. red Hunter boots 4. target snake print boots 5. animal print hunter boots
What do you think? Do you have a favorite?
Here are some quotes for a rainy day!

by jenn_davis | style
Some people look forward to the Oscars each year to catch a glimpse of Hollywood glamour. I, on the other hand, have always enjoyed the Met Gala far more than any hyped up awards ceremony. It’s a night where celebrities, socialites, athletes and artists come together in a night of risk taking fashion. This years theme was “Punk” and I thought I would share some of my personal favorite looks of the night as well as some tragic misses.

**All images property of Getty Images**
Nailed It:
Nicole Richie, I mean…come on? She gets it. She just does. If you are interested in this stuff at all then you should look up some of the images of her manicure from the night. Details. I want to be friends with her and possibly carry her around in my pocket or something (not in a creepy way….just clarifying that). Cameron Diaz: This dress reminds me of the white Tom Ford dress that Gwyneth Paltrow wore to the 2012 Oscars. I was a fan of that dress and I am definitely a fan of this one. Loved the belt she paired with it but I was wondering if it made embracing anyone difficult. SJP: What a crazy effing outfit? Amirite? But, she pulled it off….it works because she owns it and she understands how to have fun with fashion.
Anja Rubik totally channeled 80’s punk and I love everything about this look! Mary Kate Olsen: Say what you will, but she is always true to her style. Her Balmain coat makes me want to lounge around in an apartment in Paris with a glass of champagne or dirty martini. Just sayin’. Kristen Stewart: Her killer makeup made this look. MADE IT. Anne Hathaway: Thank you trying something new. I’m not a fan of the feather sleeves, but you look great.
Failed It:
Beyonce: No. I’m sorry, just no. Kim Kardashian: OK, here we go…..I am almost hesitant to even say anything because I honestly think she is treated unfairly in the press about her weight. But, why? Just why? First, what is this print? Second, why the gloves…..for the love of Holy Fashion….WHY the gloves?! Third, you are a beautiful woman but the things you wear are making you look much larger than you actually are. Why not loosen the clothing a little and show off some of your ample bust line instead? Furthermore, why aren’t your family and friends telling you this? You may need to questions some relationships in your life. I will say that, as always, your face looked beautiful and your makeup was flawless. The end. Katie Perry: Not sure what’s going on here but am curious to know the “Punk” interpretation. Heidi Klum: Ill fitting.
So, that’s about it. Not that you guys care about my opinion but I generally enjoy this stuff…..can’t wait to see Fashion Police this week! What were some of your favorites?