by heather | quotes and toasts

I have always loved the month of June. The start of summer, which as a kid meant no more school…and as I haven’t been in school for some time now, I still get that rush of excitement every year about this time. Maybe it’s seeing all of the graduation photos pop up on my Facebook and Instagram feeds. Those smiling faces with so much joy after all that they have accomplished in so many school years….and the hope of what’s to come in the road of life before them.
Congratulations to all of the 2013 graduates out there from all of us at Sunny Slide Up!
Now, a word of advice from me, or more so Mr. Mark Twain….
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

Now, I must point out that I am not yet at the “2o years from now” mark (HA!), but this is very good advice and I absolutely love this quote. CONGRATS GRADS!

by jenn_davis | style

I have been consumed by all the amazing clothes there are available for little girls these days! This little post is not only for me, but for the MANY friends I have who are expecting little girls soon….ermagosh, dressing them is going to be so much fun, right?!
1. T-shirt, Skirt, Boots. 2. Giraffe Romper, Sandals. 3. Dress, Sandals. 4. Swim Suit, Pants, Sandals. 5. Sweater, Jeggings, Leopard Shoes.

by Mandi | fun finds
I love what the girls do over at A Beautiful Mess. I am always excited to see what they are wearing, how the decorate their homes, what they cook, etc. I start off by saying that they have no idea who I am… but I do want to share something of theirs for you to enjoy today.
A Beautiful Mess has a new app… it’s true. It is like instagram, but with built in cool stuff! Here is where they tell you all about it and here is where they answer some questions.

photo courtesy of A Beautiful Mess
Here are a few of the photos that I took last weekend in NYC using the app! I am totally obsessed! You can follow me on instagram at DRYINKDESIGNS.

view from my friends apartment on the Upper East Side

Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church (FAPC) – where we go to church in the city

view of the Freedom Tower by the river

view of the city from a friends rooftop in queens
Are any of you on instagram? Let me know your name – I’d love to see what you see!