some spring….err, summer cleaning!
My husband has been gone for 12 days. That is a crazy long time to be home by yourself! I have been busy with little projects around the house….mostly that “spring cleaning” that I never got to. And now that it is officially summer, I guess it was partially summer cleaning!
I am forever finding things on Pinterest that I want to do for the house. Well, I finally got around to doing some of them this past weekend! And I am so excited, and thought I should share…
I have been wanting to reorganize my pantry ever since I moved in this house and unpacked those boxes in a hurry some 6 months ago. I also have been wanting to print out some of these awesome charts and helpful tips I see flying around Pinterest and hang them up in my pantry. YAY!
Don’t forget, I am a coupon queen….so I stock pile a lot of pantry items! Read my coupon tips HERE!
The first printable I found was a NC “What’s In Season Chart” from the NC Department of Agriculture…. (click on image to go to printable link). Now, I know all of our readers don’t live in NC….but just google your state name with “vegetable chart” and I bet you find one 🙂
The next one is a reminder to always try healthier options! Like substituting Chobani Greek Yogurt for butter, mayo, cream cheese, buttermilk, oil and sour cream. Who knew? Now, I haven’t tried these yet…..but this is a reminder to me to try them! (click on image to go to Chobani’s website to find image)
The best part about these prints. I just bought 8.5×11 simple frames at my local craft store. They were only $2.00 each! This way, I can print them on my home printer using standard 8.5×11 printer paper and just change out the prints when I want!
Another great printable I found was for the laundry room describing methods for treating different kinds of stains: coffee, ink, grass, paint, lipstick, red wine, etc. I couldn’t think of a more perfect framed print for the laundry room!
Thanks Better Homes and Gardens! (click on image to go to their website. you will have to sign up to download this one, but it’s quick and free!)
Happy Cleaning! And Organizing! And Decorating!