

Wit, jokes, amusement, funniness, clowning, joyfulness, banter, whimsy, playfulness, comedy…call it what you will.

I use LOL way too much. But I only do it when I really laugh out loud…which is a lot.  When I really get to laughing at something hilarious, I can’t stop.  I cry and giggle so much it hurts.  It makes everyone around me laugh because I look like a complete idiot loosing all control.  And then their laughter makes me laugh even more.  My husband says “oh no, she’s going chicken snail”.

The term “chicken snail” came from the first time I really lost control of my laughs in front of my husband’s parents when we first started dating.  Of course it was an inappropriate time, when we were out to dinner at a nice restaurant.  I don’t remember exactly what was said, but my husband’s father thought I said something about a chicken and a snail.  The story itself isn’t that funny, and who knows what caused me to laugh so much at that moment.  I found an old email from my now mother-in-law from soon after that night that reads: “We’re smiling with the memory of your face convulsed with laughter over the mooing chicken!”  The name “chicken snail” stuck and we now use that term to describe anyone who gets the giggles and can’t stop.

I can’t wait to see what the blog brings for this week’s “humor” theme.  Let’s all LOL together!

Be sure to check out our “Let’s Laugh” board over on Pinterest for some funnies.

lauren rebecca

lauren rebecca

This week we are so happy to have Lauren as our first guest blogger! Not only is she incredibly stunning, but her beautiful family is as well. I have thoroughly enjoyed following along with her for quite some time now. If you get a chance check out her blog and read her lovely and honest words!

It’s funny that this week’s topic is “Friends” because I was thinking a lot about that this week. I moved to New York last September and it was a struggle to meet new people. I’m a bit shy at first and the fact that it was winter and everyone was hibernating, didn’t help. Isn’t it funny how friends come in and out of our lives? You have childhood friends that seem to disappear as your grow up, teenage friends who have the same interests as you, and then you have adult friends that are in the same stage of life as you. Ya know, married friends, single friends, or friends that have children, depending on where you are in your life. And then there are those friends that have been there forever and never left your side no matter what stage of life you are in. They may not be close, distance wise, but they are always there when you need them. Those friends are rare. And I can count how many of those I have on one hand.

I have friends in each of those categories listed above. But the forever friends are scarce. I’ve learned through my life, that some friends are short term, some friends are fair-weather, some are just acquaintances, and some are true. This past weekend, I went on a mini weekend getaway to the ocean. I used to live there about 10 years ago. It was there that I met one of my best friends. At the time, I was a 17 year old girl who was working at a store to make some extra cash. I wasn’t excited about the job but if I had known that this place would be the start to a great friendship, I wouldn’t have minded it as much.

We became the best of friends and hung out everyday. When I moved away, we lost touch for awhile. This past weekend, I got to see her again for the first time in a long time. It was nice to catch up. We picked up exactly where we left off. I love that kind of friendship. In life, there are no guarantees. The friends that I vowed to never separate from, I barely talk to anymore. And some of my newer friends are the closest to me. The fact is, throughout our lives, people come in and bring us joy, laughter, comfort and advice. They are friends. Some of them stay a life time, others only a short time. But regardless, if they are true friends, they bring us happiness in some way.

I read somewhere that girls who have a social life and go out with their girlfriends at least once a week are less depressed and happier than those girls who don’t visit with their friends as much. I believe that. After a night out with my girls, stress seems to lift off of me. I think about Carrie Bradshaw sitting out with her girlfriends in the city, for dinner, and I immediately feel the need to throw a GNO!  I feel like friends are a really important part of life. So cheers to my girls! The ones who were there in my past, the ones who are still here and the ones who are yet to come! I love you all!!

JB, KG, EF, EK, BC, SS, LF, AS, SF, AK, DP, CL, AP, MW, KH  and EH.

scotch tape bracelets

scotch tape bracelets

All it took to solidfy your best friend status was a bracelet or two, and a puzzle piece necklace. Those were the days.

Unless you had too many best friends, and then you had a major childhood dilemma on your hands!  Who to share the other half of your necklace with?!?  If that was the case, you’d stick a piece of scotch tape to your jeans and whip up a string bracelet in no time.  No pieces to fit together = no hurt feelings = BFF.

And of course there were slap bracelets… until they were banned from most schools.  (What exactly was so deadly about them again?!)


And here we are today.. no longer in elementary or middle school and no longer wearing that all important BE  FRI around your neck.  I’m SURE you still have a best friend, or ten, in your life… so instead of killing them with a slap bracelet, you can now show your love for them with something more age-appropriate and stylish!

Now go call your best friend and reminisce about the good times… just because you can!


(sources L – R: toysofthe80’s.tumblr;;;;;