by Mandi | style

Fall is here! Time for boots, sweaters, scarfs and winter coats. Typically I see people wearing darker, warmer colors during the fall and winter months – but I am here to tell you that this does not need to happen! This fall you need to keep out the bright colors…But don’t take my word for it!
Here you can see the Pantone Fashion Color Report – Fall 2012. These colors are FAR from dark and dull!

I wanted to put this to the test and see how much these colors were actually being used – if companies were really using these colors in their fall lines. Well, what better place to do this than King Street in Charleston, SC. It is a street lined with shops on both sides – a shoppers paradise!

The first store we stopped in was Louis Vuitton – my sister needed to visit her bag 🙂 Look what I saw when I walked in… Well done Louis! It is like they took the Pantone Fall 2012 palette and put it on display!

They had all of the colors on display. I was pretty impressed!

The next store we passed was Victoria’s Secret….so, we headed in. Look at what was there when I first walked in! GO VICKI!!!

An finally we walk past Juicy Couture. I want to apologize in advance for the glare on the window, but I think after Victoria’s Secret, my dad needed a rest from the girly stores. Here you can see Juicy used the pink color as well – that must be the color of Charleston – Sorry Tangerine Tango (color of the year!)

Another trend setter I saw on King Street was Kate Spade. Oh Kate, you make my graphic designer heart skip a beat! This season they are showing “The Art of the Dot”. Everything is polkadot – and If you have seen my brand at all, you know I love this! I even had my polka dot cardi on yesterday when I walked in the store! The lady working said “well, don’t you just fit right in! Yes, Yes I do… psst. it was kind of on purpose!

She even gave me some Kate Spade pop art nails! I can’t wait to put them on! You can post your dot spottings on their facebook page! Social Media at it’s finest!
Now you are ready to shop for this fall season. Go buy some dots, go buy some bright colors and be on trend!

by jenn_davis | fun finds
In the spirit of the new season and our Starbucks giveaway, I thought I would share a few October themed coffee mugs!

1. Tea-Rex Mug 2. Tipping Tea Cup 3. Mr. Tea Teapot 4. Bike Mug 5. Spiky Mug 6. Retro Mugs 7. Stackable Skeleton 8. Makin’ Bacon
If you haven’t entered to win our Starbucks giveaway, click HERE now!

by heather | creative tips, personal
October is here! And here are my top ten reasons to love October…
- Halloween – I love costumes. I actually have a box of props that I keep handy in my house all year round to bust out impromptu for any occasion. No need to only do this once a year for Halloween! But at least for this holiday people don’t think I’m crazy for doing so.
- Football – Goooooooo Dawgs! Football is in full swing now and the weather is perfect for tailgating, which is almost just as fun as going to the game.
- S’mores – The chilly evenings are perfect for a fire and nothing makes a fire better than s’mores! Check out these 10 Creative Twists on S’mores Recipes. Enjoy these last weeks of daylight in the evenings before we turn our clocks back on Nov. 4.
- Carving Pumpkins – Who knew you could have so much fun with a fruit and a knife?
- More Pumpkin! – Is it just me or does everyone seem to go pumpkin crazy this month? Pumpkin pies, pumpkin beer, pumpkin bread, pumpkin spiced lattes. Jenn and Steph are obsessed with pumpkin spiced lattes.
- Leaves – I know. I know. Raking up those piles of leaves that fall is a pain in the butt, but isn’t the leaves changing is one of the most beautiful things you have ever seen? Time to take a drive to the mountains and check out nature’s beautiful display of colors. Check out this map to see when the peak times are in all of the states.
- Camping – Perfect weather, the last weeks of evening light, leaves in bright colors, campfires and s’mores…this all sounds like a perfect camping trip!
- Sweaters and Scarfs – It’s time to break out your sweaters and scarfs that have been packed away for all of those months – it feels like a whole new wardrobe!
- Candy – It’s impossible to not eat candy in the month of October. It is everywhere you look and normally on sale enticing buyers to stock up for those trick-or-treaters. It is hard to resist those mini bite-size candy bars! Candy corn? Yes, please.
- Oktoberfest! – I almost love beer as much as I love candy. And in the month of October there are beer festivals everywhere. Want to find one? Check out for the world’s largest list of beer tastings around the world.

Hey, speaking of Pumpkin Spiced Lattes, be sure to enter in this week’s giveaway for a $20 Starbucks card! Click here to enter.