worst lyrical quotes of all time

worst lyrical quotes of all time

This week the ladies have shared how music can, and has, created fun and wonderful memories. There are those moments, however, when music becomes more comical than anything!

Sometimes my husband and I can hardly contain our laughter while listening to some of the lyrics of modern day music. Many times this leaves my husband (who happens to be a talented musician himself) to question just how these individuals got a record deal.

Please join us and have a good laugh at the expense of the rich and famous….


Stay Happy!



Memories can be sparked by something as simple as a thought, a smell, a sound, even a touch. The funny thing about memories is that they have the ability to make you laugh and even bring you to tears. One of my favorite settings to reminisce involves a crisp, sunny fall morning, Van Morrison playing in the background, and a pumpkin spice latte in hand. Maybe it’s the changing seasons, the way summer seems to shead it’s leathery skin in the fall, only to make new again come spring. Changes provoke thought, remembering of years past.

This week we will be celebrating different aspects of memory. I hope you join us as we prepare nostalgia just how we like it, Sunny Slide Up!