We are happy to introduce our guest for today – Jenn’s husband, Brad from s.o.stereo. Check out their awesome music available on iTunes.
“tell me about music.” make english of something so beautifully cerebral yet so perfectly impassioned. explain to me what makes music good.
blessed be the day i were left, tasked, with this burden. write about the music i like? write about the music i write? (s.o.stereo.facebook.com/
a friend of mine once told me that the best thing about music was “everyone has their own opinion and to them their opinion is right.”
while i still love that idea, i’ve realized now that music is much more than an opinion. i’ve realized that music is at the foundation of every great memory in my life. for example, O.A.R., Dispatch and Howie Day pretty much sum up my high school experience. Howie Day literally changed my life and his show at the Jeep Festival in 2001 is the moment i knew writing music was the cut i needed to chase. i was re-born at the hands of Coldplay my sophomore year of college and the Killers, Bloc Party and Razorlight wrote the theme songs to my ever-escaping youth. add to that the most beloved song in my life “Oh My Sweet Carolina” by Ryan Adams – the song i sing to my son while i rock him to bed (both literally and figuratively).
you see, i am a musician (which is apparently the only requirement to become a “guest writer” on sunny slide up), so perhaps i look at things differently but music means something in a life that if we let it… means nothing. in other words, music doesn’t entertain us – it defines us. so, if your life were a music video make sure it’s worth watching, listening to or at the very least… writing about.
.bless .boom .bradley
(Brad is the tall one in the hat)