by heather | diy
Leaves. They are everywhere this time of year. My yard, driveway, roof, car, everything is completely covered.
What do you do with all of those leaves? Most of them you have to bag up and toss out on the curb to be taken away. This year, save a few and make some awesome art for your house or a gift! I did some searching around online and here are a few ideas for some leaf art from some very creative people:
You’ll need several colors of acrylic paint, cardstock, an interesting leaf, and a tray or scrap cardboard on which to squeeze your paint. You simply squeeze a dollop of each of your paints on your tray, and allow the paint to spread. Then place the “vein-y” side of the leaf into the paint, being sure to coat as much of the leaf as possible. Next, place the painted leaf onto your cardstock. Gently press the leaf onto the cardstock to transfer the paint. Carefully lift your leaf off the cardstock, and viola – you have a lovely custom piece of art!
So easy and so beautiful, right? And you could use any colors you want to decorate specific room decor.

First, collect a bunch of leaves that strike your fancy and press them in between two sheets of wax paper. Place them under some heavy books for about a day. Then arrange them however you like, tape or glue them to a piece of card stock and pop them into some frames. Enjoy the fall colors all year round!

Spray Paint Silhouette Leaf Art – Home Jelly
Paint an entire sheet of paper (thicker works best) with your desired color for the leaf accent and let dry. Spray the back of the leaves with adhesive glue and tack onto the painted paper. Make sure that the edges are pressed down so that your paint won’t seep under.
Spray paint the entire surface including over the leaves. Carefully peel away the leaves. Once the paint is dry, frame!
I seriously can not wait to try this one…

Go outside and grab some good leaves before they are all gone! If you do any of the projects above or have some other creative ways to make art with leaves, we would love to see them. Post some photos to our Facebook page!

by sunnyslideup | sunny slide up
Here’s a look at what the Sunny Slide Up crew has going on this month….

– Dream Office: I will be moving in a few months, so I have been collecting some office decor ideas for my new house…
– Crayola Crayons: I have such fond memories of Crayola crayons. They were there at the very beginning of my creative adventures…
– Merry Oaks Neighborhood Website: I just finished up a website for a local community in the Plaza Midwood area of Charlotte, NC – Merry Oaks Neighborhood…
– Free Fonts For Halloween: Planning a Halloween party? Making some banners to hang outside for the trick-or-treaters? Use these free spooky fonts!

– Welcome To Fabulous Las Vegas: I have been wanting to share pictures from our trip to Vegas for Claire and Brandon’s wedding…
– Chewbacca’s Mating Call: If someone were to write a tutorial on how to survive being sick when you have kids, it would look…
– 3.: Three years, today. I wrote about how we fell in love…

– Get Out And Do Something – Volunteer: A few months ago I met the wonderful ladies at The Foundation for Tomorrow (TFFT). Here is a little bit about this amazing organization…
– Fresh Take On A Trifold Brochure: I recently had the pleasure of working with Terri at Mint Marketing Solutions on a few projects for Salon 42…
– Logo Design For USGBC North Carolina: Recently I was given the privilege of working with the North Carolina Chapter of USGBC to create a new logo…
– When Pigs Fly: My friend and I love repurposing old things. All of the decor in my house is from some thrift store, goodwill or antique yard…

– Europe | Personal: We traveled all over… London to York (to visit where your Dad did his study abroad while in college), to Edinburgh, Scotland and back to London. We walked all over each city…
– Erin + Matt | Charlotte Engagement Photographer: The blog is about to get all kinds of cute, cuddly and sweet. Erin and Matt are getting married next May…
– Little Miss Mia | Charlotte Baby Photographer: sweet baby. sweet moments…
– MCL | Charlotte Family Photography: the chicest of 1st birthday’s for the sweetest of little girls…

by steph_egan | personal
Like many colleges around the country, the one I went to consisted of brick, ivy covered buildings… a central quad (for Frisbee games and laying in the sun), a student common, a dining hall and dorm rooms of cinder blocks, with a small town to surround it all.
Keene, NH is a quiet place, a typical New England town with tree-lined streets, one or two shopping centers, and at the time we were there.. only a few bars to choose from. It’s a town that noticeably grows in size each Fall as students arrive. And in late October? It realllllly grows in size as Pumpkinfest begins: from a town of about 23,000 to 80,000 visitors arriving from around the world and descending on Main Street.
What’s the draw?
A downtown FILLED with pumpkins: Keene has held the Guinness World Record for the largest number of lit jack-o-lanterns in one place many times over the years. It is definitely something to see! Read more about it here.
And just before Pumpkinfest weekend kicks off, the college fills the quad with hundreds (maybe thousands?) of pounds of pumpkins for students to carve. This year HGTV is featuring Keene’s Pumpkinfest for a special on Halloween Night: Pumpkin Wars. Set your DVR’s so you can see what I’m talking about!
A Pumpkinfest flashback to 2002!:

Do you have a favorite Fall festival in your area?