by steph_egan | sunny slide up
Helllllo, November!
What’s everyone have on tap this month?
The four of us are looking forward to all things food & family! Which means you can expect some good stuff over the next few weeks – some of our favorite recipes, stories from the ‘kids table’, reasons to give Thanks… and maybe even a virtual birthday bash for Jenn (she celebrates a milestone birthday next week!!).
On a personal front, I’m most looking forward to Thanksgiving – my absolute favorite holiday! This year we’ll be traveling North to celebrate with my side of the family…. a day that involves two turkeys, at times a record 20 pies!, football on the tv and board games on the table.
What do you love most about November? And what will you give Thanks for this season? Leave us a comment and get in the spirit!

And Pssssst!!! If YOUR upcoming plans involve a turkey (ahem!) then you do not want to miss tomorrow’s post!!

by sunnyslideup | sunny slide up

Here at Sunny Slide Up we love a good costume! Check out a few pictures of the group below! We hope you all have a wonderful Halloween and that you never get to old to pull out a costume and dress up!

Heather as a Princess (with her brothers as Roger Rabbit and a Pumpkin/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle with a wand like sister)

Steph as a Cabbage Patch Kid

Mandi as The Robert Palmer Girls

Jenn as Jane Fonda (working out of course)
We can’t wait to see your costume photos … Share them with us on our Facebook page!
by sunnyslideup | sunny slide up
If it hasn’t been evident by now, the four of us love to get our craft on. Which of course means we are huge Pinterest fanatics!
Are you??

Aside from our own personal boards, we have quite a few dedicated to all things Sunny Slide Up!
We had a lot fun adding to our “October” board throughout the past month (you can find things like Heather’s Halloween playlist, Steph’s Angel food pumpkin pie recipe, Mandi’s pumpkin trivia and so much more!). And with the holidays fast approaching (ahhh!), we have recently started pinning for November & December – recipes, decorating, party planning – you name it!

Pinterest will play a big part in our November giveaway, so start following, pinning and sharing! And stay tuned for more details coming this week!!