by heather | creative tips
The cold, winter weather is here and for me that means dry skin and cracked heels. Here are some of my favorite products that help my feet become pretty again!

1. Microplane Foot File
This little tool gently exfoliates and removes that extra skin that makes your feet so rough. It is very portable, so easy to pack to travel. Be sure to use this on dry skin, no moisture needed.

2. Pumice Stone
If you prefer to use something while in the shower, this is a good option for you. Pumice is actually a volcanic rock with a rough texture that helps to remove rough skin and calluses.

3. HeelTastic
I am a big fan of As Seen On TV products, so I was quick to pick this up a couple of years ago and give it a try. It has become one of my beauty staples and I can’t say enough good stuff about it. It is a balm in a deodorant type container that you rub on your feet and then add socks to let the balm sit for a while until dry. This product always soothes my cracked heels and dry feet.

4. Aveda Foot Relief
This product is a tad expensive, but the aromatherapy mixed with the soothing cream really helps tired, dry feet feel better again. Plus, they sell travel sizes of this, so perfect for on the go.

5. Vaseline
So simple and cheap, but really one of the best things for dry, cracked feet. It is a bit messy, so use with caution. I have a few pairs of socks that are dedicated just for vaseline feet soaking. This option is best used overnight, since it takes so long for the petroleum jelly to soak in. And look, they now have a coco butter version – my favorite!
Cheers to happy feet!

by steph_egan | creative tips
Wasting time on social media when you could be doing sooo many other things? I’m guilty as charged. I tend to procrastinate, and that downfall is made easier by hopping on over to Pinterest and Facebook for ‘a quick minute’, only to find a half hour (or more!) has passed with nothing to show for it (except maybe a tasty new recipe here and there). Productivity is out the window and I’m still at square one with the things I REALLY need to get done.
So how do you tackle the time you waste on social media? Try one of the below and limit, or even block, your access to certain sites:

Rescue Time’s website claims to give you back an average of nearly four hours each week that you would have spent on social media. The perks of this program include being able to block certain websites for a specific amount of time as well as track and log how much time you spend on certain websites or applications that you specify. For a week, consider just tracking how much time you spend on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Perhaps once you see that two hours each day (or more), goes to these sites you’ll realize that blocking them is a good idea. Rescue Time has a free version and a Pro version available for $6 a month.

Minutes Please is by far the simplest version and requires no download or fee. You simply go to the site, put in the website you wish to limit and the amount of time you want to be limited to and then set the timer. Pop-ups alert you when your time is up and when time runs out the browser window automatically closes on the site you were limiting. 
Facebook Limiter allows users to block access to Facebook and YouTube. This is its only major downfall, as of course there are several other sites to fill your time if you can’t be on Facebook. Depending on the version you have, the software allows you to block Facebook entirely, limit the time spent on Facebook or make it available only during certain times of the day. They have a free version and a few other pro versions available for a one-time fee.
I’m going to give Minutes Please a try!
Cheers to productivity.

*descriptions above provided by She Knows.
by Mandi | fun finds, style
It seems that there is always an animal that makes an appearance each year. The past few years we have seen a lot of birds – especially owls – and then last year there seemed to be a lot of octopuses — or… octopi? Ha! Anyway, each year a new animal seems to pop up in home decor, fashion, design, etc. This year must be the fox – and I kind of love it!
If you want to be up on the trend, below are some great finds!

For the ladies: 1. Fox Shirt – $25.99, 2. Fox Leggings – $29.99 3. Fox Shirt – $48.00 4. Wrapped Fox Shirt $49.00

For the bling: 1. Fox Wrap Bracelet – $112 2. Fox Studded Earrings $15 3. Fox Scarf $9.99 4. Fox Charm $30

For the House 1. Fox Print $40 2. Fox Pillow 3. Fox Wall Hook $22 4. Fox Bookend $9