concert fun

concert fun

What was your first concert?  I’m pretty sure mine was Neil Diamond.  Mmmm hmmm… for real.  I was young and tagged along with my Mom.  I remember actually enjoying myself because I knew all the songs – she played the ALBUMS (like the record kind) so much, I was a fan by association.  His sparkly outfit was pretty awesome too.

I went to a few different concerts throughout high school – and like Heather was smart to do yesterday, I also won’t embarrass myself with revealing my high school taste in music (Mmmmmmmbop!).. but there is one concert I will admit to going to: the Barenaked Ladies.  I saw them for the first time in Boston after taking the train into the city with friends.  We managed to make our way up to the front row and it was the best!  We sang our hearts out.. and then a porta potty almost caved in on me when someone walked across the top of it.  True story.

Fast forward a few years later and the Barenaked Ladies are on stage in front of us again.  Like that other time, it was a warm Summer night and there was a group of us belting our hearts out.  Is there anything better?













My favorite channel on SiriusXM is 90s on 9.  Not that I believe this it the most impressive music out there, but because this is the music I grew up with in my teenage years.  It was there for me while I was going through those growing pains of figuring out who I was and who I wanted to be when I grew up.  Love songs to smile to when thinking of a crush and love songs to cry to through a break up.  The best thing was blaring the radio in your car full of friends and belting out the words to your favorite tunes.  I won’t embarrass myself and tell you who my favorite bands were, but I will confess that just the other day I was singing Wilson Phillips at the top of my lungs.  “Hold on for one more day…”

Where would we be without music?  How could life exist without music?  Talk about BORING.  I love this quote below.  It really sums up what music is…

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” – Plato


take time to relax

take time to relax

As we close our week on “The Beach” we wanted to share a video with you to help you relax…help you escape from your job or your daily routine and get out to the beach.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!