cårven der pümpkîn
The Swedish Chef from the Muppets is always so entertaining Check out this video of him “carving” some pumpkins:
The Swedish Chef from the Muppets is always so entertaining Check out this video of him “carving” some pumpkins:
‘Tis the season for Fall family photos! Everyone seems to have Christmas cards on the brain (already!), and with that comes the stress of what to wear for your family session.
I’m heading up to NH in a couple of weeks for a round of family sessions, and the first question clients ask is… “what should we wear?” My initial response is always the same: do your best to coordinate outfits, and avoid anything matchy-matchy. (Khakis and white button downs? No. no. no… When’s the last time you saw a family of four going about their Saturday all dressed the same?) Have fun with your style, bring in some bright colors, add a few accessories… but most of all, be yourselves. Wear what you’re comfortable in, and something you won’t mind seeing on your wall everyday.
Along with a few ideas I pulled together below (mostly from Gap, Target and H&M) check out Pinterest for all kinds of combinations!
And don’t forget to think about location! The sessions I’m doing will be in an apple orchard… so something like a cozy blanket or cups of hot apple cider would make for some fun props.
Say cheese!
All clothing above is currently available in the stores I’ve listed:
gap.com, hm.com, asos.com, target.com
It’s October! Time for Halloween, football games, apple picking and pumpkin patches. You can walk into any store these days and be surrounded with skulls, bones, costumes and candy. It is an easy time to decorate your house.
For many of us though, October takes on another meaning, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Everywhere you go these days you hear of someone that has been affected by this awful disease. I am blessed to know to strong SURVIVORS! My mother and dear friend Emily. Click here to read an article on Emily’s story and hear her talk about the support of her family.
I decided that I wanted to celebrate this month in my home decor by adding in some pink! Pink pumpkins – why not!
I went to a local grocery store and picked up a few inexpensive pumpkins, got out some paint, made a light and dark shade of pink and got to work! It is simple really… I added stripes, dots, zig zags and ribbons!
Here is what my living area looks like for the fall! I love having a daily reminder to be aware of breast cancer for myself, my friends and my family!
How are you decorating this fall?