by Mandi | personal, quotes and toasts
A little over a year ago, I wrote a post about my Granny and what a special lady she was to our family!
My family misses her every day, but we are blessed to still have my crazy, loving, one-of-a-kind Papaw around to keep us in check!
Today is his birthday and so I want to celebrate him! That man has tough hands from years of work, stories for days that he will tell you as he re-acts them out, and a heart bigger than I will ever have.

He is at the center of our family and still keeps us all in check. He has shown us how to be a part of our church and community. He supports all of us and is so proud of all of his grand children… don’t believe me.. just ask him! He will tell you!
He is still so active, going to the YMCA, having breakfast out with friends, going to local ball games, playing golf with old buddies and visiting old friends and family at their homes and nursing homes. He even got a new car recently that has “too much stuff” on it.. but he is learning and driving it around like the best of them!
He has a cell phone, which he will answer, but refuses to get a computer… sometimes I think that would be so nice… to remain disconnected!
I love this man, love his heart, , love his hugs where he squeezes and pinches my side, love his stores that he tells with so much excitement, love his face that has seen so much and continues to keep going!
He uses words that most don’t use anymore… Confound, Yonder, Down the Road a Piece, Kin-folk, etc…

Happy Birthday Papaw!
Love the face he gives me when I tell him to smile.

Lunch with Papaw

Old photo of “Super Dad!” Just ignore me in this one…#badhaircutinthe80s

Lunch at our favorite local spot
Love you, Lawrence Edward, Captain, Papaw

by Mandi | fun finds, personal
The girls at Sunny Slide Up have decided to join in a challenge of 100 days of happy. I am personally excited to do this challenge! Right now I have a lot going on in my life between moving, getting a dog, work and planning a wedding. I realized that often times I do not step back and take in each moment and the extreme happiness that I do have in my life each and every day. I am not sure what I hope to get out of this challenge, but I know that after we discussed participating, it felt right. Here are some “whys” listed out on their website…

I encourage you to join in with us! It is simple… just go to their website, register (here) and then begin to submit your happy. There are 3 ways to do it!

We have decided to do this via Instagram using the hashtag #100happydays

You can find all of us instagram!
Mandi – me! dryinkdesigns
Heather – thecreativestack
Jenn – thefortunateplight
Follow us and see! I am sure a few will pop up on our Sunny Slide Up Instagram Page as well!
So… the question to us… the question to you…

by Mandi | personal, quotes and toasts
7 weeks ago, my 83 year old grandfather (Papaw) had a FULL knee replacement. If you have met this man, you know that this did not keep him down!
He has more life and energy than most people half his age. He spends his time playing golf with friends, going to the YMCA to do his aerobics, staying active at the church, spending time with family and visiting friends… especially those that are unable to leave their homes.
Last week he bought a new car…I can’t wait to go visit… I know I will have to “take it out for a drive!”
A few days ago my sister sent me this video of him doing lunges across the house. She said this was his third trip through the house. Maybe we should all take a lesson. Rounds of squats, 83 years old, 7 weeks after a knee replacement.
Maybe we should all take a lesson from Peter Pan, NEVER GROW UP!