by Mandi | quotes and toasts, recipes
Maybe it is the little bit of German that I have in me, but I absolutely LOVE a good Oktoberfest. The music, the culture, the dancing, the food and the beer!
This past weekend, The Mister and I headed to Winston Salem to go to an Oktoberfest with his parents and some of their friends. It was SUCH a great time!
You first walked in to this beautiful building that is an old federal building. Just look at those ceilings.

Then, I saw the room of quotes – can I have this room in my house one day?

Everything about this festival was so well done! I just had to get my photo taken with the dancers… I think I need a dress like that, you know… just incase!

Here is one of the dancers in action – check out that leg movement!

The Mister said that the brats were “awesome”
And the cake table… beautiful perfection.

I have decided that I may take a stab at making some German food.
Possibly a Black Forest Cake (recipe from

or German Potato Salad? (recipe from

I have created a poster of some of my favorite Oktoberfest terms – food, chants, beers, etc! It is a FREE download at 8×10 for your October home decor! Click on the image below for the full-size file.

It was such a great night! We had an amazing time – I would tell anyone to go experience an Oktoberfest near you! And if it couldn’t get better… check out this fab mirror I found as we were heading out — best bathroom mirror ever!

As a reminder it is our BIRTHDAY MONTH!!! Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @SunnySlideUp for this week’s free giveway!!!

by heather | quotes and toasts
Everyone goes nuts over on Pinterest for our “Champagne Toasts” board where we pin a bunch of our favorite quotes and sayings we find. These little bursts of motivation and inspiration are just the pick up or clarity you need sometimes, huh?
Here is a small collection of some of my favorite “life quotes” I put together for you…
Oh, and all are available as a FREE PRINTABLE (8×10) – because you know how much we love FREE stuff here at Sunny Slide Up! Just click on small image to open and print.

Today we will live in the moment.
Unless it’s unpleasant, in which case we will eat a cookie.
– Cookie Monster

Enjoy The Little Things

Find Something To Laugh About. – Maya Angelou
Some exciting stuff coming up tomorrow! October is going to be an AWESOME month…. Stay tuned everyone! 🙂

by heather | quotes and toasts

I have always loved the month of June. The start of summer, which as a kid meant no more school…and as I haven’t been in school for some time now, I still get that rush of excitement every year about this time. Maybe it’s seeing all of the graduation photos pop up on my Facebook and Instagram feeds. Those smiling faces with so much joy after all that they have accomplished in so many school years….and the hope of what’s to come in the road of life before them.
Congratulations to all of the 2013 graduates out there from all of us at Sunny Slide Up!
Now, a word of advice from me, or more so Mr. Mark Twain….
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

Now, I must point out that I am not yet at the “2o years from now” mark (HA!), but this is very good advice and I absolutely love this quote. CONGRATS GRADS!