by Stella Lancaster | adventures
Hello friends! Two weeks ago we were housesitting in Asheville for a well-traveled couple and their two spunky cats: Thai Foo & Rosebud. The crisp Fall air and changing leaf colors left us refreshed and inspired. We hope that you all can squeeze in a quick trip yourselves before the busy holidays are upon us.

Mini Cooper Adventures

If you have the chance to go to Asheville for a day or weekend trip, NOW is the time. Recent political uproar may have put a slight damper on some outdoor activities, but the Blue Ridge Parkway is still open. You just have to bring your own TP!!

Asheville, North Carolina
Whether Asheville is a romantic getaway or fun for the whole family, here is a quick rundown on things we enjoyed in Asheville:
– Blue Ridge Parkway is kicking off it’s symphony of magical colors
– Eliada Corn Maze – 12 acres of spooky fun
– Waterfalls abound – most are a quick day hike
– Apple picking – just in time for the upcoming holidays
– Mast General Store – an Asheville classic, enjoy barrels of candy and local wares
– Minx Boutique – curated collection of fun; pick out your favorites online before you go
– Frock – save room in your suitcase; perfect for date night
– Custom Boutique – I snagged a pair of locally made silver earrings; great for gifts
– Tupelo Honey Cafe – enjoy a leisurely breakfast turned brunch while people watching
– White Duck Taco Shop – new spot in town with a fab patio; order one of each!
– The Admiral – reservations for a romantic dinner
– Thirsty Monk – pumpkin brew flights
– Breweries abound – rent a bike and explore them all
– Double D’s Cafe – pumpkin lattes in a doubledecker London bus

Pumpkin Beer Flight – Thirsty Monk
Moment of truth: never have I missed a cat so much! Thai Foo the fluffy kitty moonlights as a masseuse. Yep, that’s right. I woke up Tuesday morning at the crack of dawn to kitty paws working their magic up and down my back.

Asheville, North Carolina
We loved our mountain retreat, but my mermaid tail was starting to twitch! So it’s back to Charleston for THREE full weeks = staycation (post is now up here). What is your favorite haunt in Charleston?
– Stella
by Stella Lancaster | sunny slide up
Hi friends! This year we kicked off our spooky October celebrations early. First, I hand-selected a hoppy cornucopia of pumpkin beer at Whole Foods. That part was easy!!

Next we went to the Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Patch. That’s right!! Where non-secular pumpkins are less than 4 bucks each. Dreamy!

While the gals were elbowing & digging through the pumpkin patch, the guys were at home … playing Grand Theft Auto 5. Sound familiar? Their mission was to round up all sharp objects and power tools … offline. Distracted, they failed miserably.

Pumpkin beer, cutlery and power tools in hand, we each got busy carving up classic, spooky inspirations. We even tried a spin on a nautical octopus carving, courtesy of Coastal Living Magazine via Pinterest.

Viola! We were pumpkined out. But we trekked on!! We saved all the gory guts, discarded teeth and seeds for the next step — spooky pumpkin chili!

I laughed so hard when dear friends asked for the recipe. First we had to make sure we survived the first batch of spooky pumpkin chili. WE DID!
- one large pot
- gather all the various beans from your zombie apocalypse stash
- gather all the cans of tomatoes & paste gathering dust in your cabinets
- chop up all of your whithering veggies
- salvaged pumpkin appendages
- 1-2 packages of spicy soy-sage that sat in your car for 24+ hr
- half opened taco seasoning packages
- salt & pepper to taste
- steam all hard veggie + pumpkin appendages
- warm olive oil with any fragrant veggies — such as garlic & onions
- drain & add beans + tomatoes
- sprinkle in taco seasoning
- add remaining chopped mystery veggies
- chop & add soy-sage
- add softened veggie + pumpkin appendages
- add water as needed
- simmer for 1-2 hours
- season as needed
YUMMY!!!!!!! It was the perfect combination of spicy & sweet. If you prefer a real recipe here is good link for inspiration.

This weekend? We are going to hit up the Charleston plantation corn mazes & haunted hayrides. You’ll hear me scream at the top of my lungs from hundreds of miles away.
by Stella Lancaster | adventures, featured guests
Hi there friends! I just returned from a whirlwind week on the West Coast. Happy & home, my husband and I are preparing for a week in Asheville, North Carolina to relax in the mountains, watch the leaves turn vibrant colors, and take in all the fresh air.

Last week I flew to LAX, excited to reconnect with old friends in Redondo Beach, celebrate the marriage of two dear friends who eloped on their trip in San Luis Obispo, and to catch up with my rockstar sister, Alexandra. This was my first solo trip since we married this past April. I was excited; Burton was a bit worried.

In preparation for my flight, Burton and I talked safety. In October of 2010 we were robbed at gunpoint in Charlotte, NC. It happened on an early Thursday evening as we walked to our car in a yuppy, safe part of town known as Dilworth. These two career criminals were practiced professionals — both had just gotten out of jail for armed robbery. They were going for jewelry, wedding rings, purses, etc. Fortunately a rookie cop caught our 911 call and the description of their getaway car and partial license number. He nailed them. My sassy mouth landed me a black eye that night, so we have taken precautions in our every day life to be more aware of our surroundings and to avert becoming a repeat victim.

Fortunately paranoia does not paralyze our life. We lead a very gypset life and travel frequently. However Burton was nervous about my request to travel solo and bounce around the West Coast. So my travel partners on this trip were a mini can of mace & safety whistle.

Cautious along the way, I cherished every moment with my friends, family, and furry friends. I certainly made time to pet, squeeze and kiss all the dogs that crossed my path in memory of Luna. Here’s looking at you, Brock!!
Got travel or safety tips?